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Would you like to continue your Creation Station™ with me for the next 90 days?
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Creation Station™ 90-Day Immersion
The Creation Station™ experience:
- Use free form exploration to uncover your own true desires.
- Formulate powerful “I Don't Know How” statements.
- Daily visualization of your magnificent future.
- Embodying trust through the process of everything showing up. (It's often better than you imagined and/or different)
All delivered to you through a self exploration, questions and trust.
In the Creation Station™ 90-Day Immersion we will:
Explore the importance of a routine, setting targets for both personal and professional development, the role of mental wellness, and how to take our desires and give them the energy to come to fruition without force and constant stress.
Manifesting through asking the universe involves visualizing and actively seeking out what you want in life, and trusting that the universe will bring it to you. This practice is based on the idea that the universe is constantly providing us with opportunities and resources to achieve our goals and desires, and that by aligning our thoughts and actions with what we want, we can attract those things into our lives.
It is important to focus on what you want with clarity and intention, and to take action towards making your desires a reality. This may involve setting specific goals, taking small steps towards those goals, and visualizing the end result as if it has already happened. It is also important to let go of any doubts or negative beliefs that may be holding you back, and to trust that the universe is working in your favor.
The Creation Station™ is a powerful tool for creating positive change in your life, and can assist you to:
- Take time for yourself EVERYDAY!
- Create a sacred space to hold your intentions, energize your desires and remind you that you are a priority.
- Set a routine that comforts you and feeds you energetically before you begin your day and/or end your day.
- Manifest the things you desire through speaking, writing and letting go of the outcome.
- Trust that abundance is a divine right and accessible to ALL at all times.
- Ignite happiness through letting of of consistently trying to figure it out and force it to happen.
- Actualize success by focusing on what you desire and taking aligned action.
Through the space together you will - create your own Creation Station™, learn to write "I Don't Know How" statements, lean into a routine that you will make a priority and surround yourself with a community of like minded people that add support and feedback.
Join the Creation Station™ 90-Day Immersion and...
- Discover the “space” that is right for you
- Explore and identify the elements to include as part of your own unique Creation Station™.
- Commit to a DAILY dedicated time to spend at your Creation Station™
- Learn new techniques to practice at your Creation Station™ that will help you design, shape and construct your future
- Share Dr. Lisa's 10+ years of creating and using the Creation Station™ with tools and techniques to accelerate you on your path!
"I want you to have your own Creation Station™
Join me in my Creation Station™ so that you can discover how to conceive and design your own amazing future!" - Dr. Lisa

What you will receive in 90-Day Immersion with Dr. Lisa & The Universe:
- 9 LIVE calls. (Wednesdays at 9AM CST) ***Dates TBA
- Private interactive community.
- Daily inspiration.
- Weekly personalized messages direct from Dr. Lisa's Creation Station®
- Weekly IDKH cards to add to your collection.
- A deep dive into Your Creation Station™
- Support and facilitation in acknowledging you.
- Guidance in writing personalized IDKH statements.
- Challenges for creation, appreciation and self love.
- Tools and tips to discerning and understanding your desires.
- Connection to the Universe (Creator/God/All that is).
- A strong routine for 2023.
- Inspiring and invigorating ALL OF YOU!!!
"The masterclass for the new year was more than I imagined. For the first time I am starting a new year with tangible targets, a space for myself and an easy to follow routine. I cannot say thank you enough. Dr. Lisa, this is an incredible gift, I am so grateful I joined even though I was not able to ma.e it live."
-Susan (Boulder CO)
I'm Dr. Lisa
Over the past 25 years I've supported thousands of clients to alchemize trauma into beauty. After working through my own past abuse, I've developed a powerful and impactful technique, called the ROAR® Method, which supports clients to break free depression anxiety and abuse to create a radically alive living.
I have a Doctorate in Psychology and a private marriage and family therapy practice. I live in Arlington, Texas, with my gorgeous wife and three amazing puppies, Bella, Bimba and Pelusa. I travel globally and receive clients at my healing sanctuary for in-person sessions and Soul Print Immersions.